Our mission at ACV Health is to provide comprehensive care to those who need it in a convenient and welcoming environment. We are located only 20 minutes from Live Oak, Perry, Madison and Mayo.

To work toward our mission of accessible healthcare, we have provided a number of free ACV Health resources to help you live a healthy, active life. We hope you take advantage of these blog posts, articles and other materials provided by our experienced healthcare team and partners.

Woman holding her throat

Dysphagia and Speech Therapy: What You Need to Know if You Have Trouble Swallowing

Many adults take the act of eating and swallowing for granted. For those with dysphagia, however, swallowing becomes difficult and painful, and eating can be a real struggle. Dysphagia is the medical term for difficulty swallowing. Although occasional swallowing difficulties are normal from time to time, such as eating too quickly or not chewing well enough, persistent dysphagia is cause for concern and may require medical treatment.

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Medication bottles and pills

Beyond the Prescription: Medication Safety Tips

Managing multiple prescriptions at the same time can be challenging. It’s vitally important, however, to take the right doses, as prescribed, at the right time. Even if you are only taking one prescription, proper medication safety can be a matter of life and death. Here are a few simple tips to help you manage your medications and protect your health.

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woman clutching her hand

What is Osteoporosis?

Our bones are the sturdy framework that supports our bodies, enabling us to move, stand tall and embrace an active lifestyle. Yet, sometimes we overlook the importance of maintaining and nourishing these vital structures until an issue arises, such as osteoporosis.

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How to Identify the Signs of a Stroke

A stroke can happen to anyone at any time, regardless of age or health status. In the United States, strokes are the number five cause of death annually and are a leading cause of disability. While many people associate strokes with heart health, it’s a condition more closely related to the health of the brain.

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How to Find a Pharmacy

Taking care of your health is more than just going to the doctor once a year. While getting an annual wellness visit is important, the real positive change happens when you follow through with the doctor’s orders after the appointment.

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Family health history. Patient at doctor's office.

Do You Know Your Family Health History?

Your genes determine factors like your hair and eye color, the shape of your nose and your body type. You might even have the same laugh as your mother or walk with the same gait as your father. While these types of things are easily seen by the naked eye, certain medical conditions your family members had may not be so easy to determine from just a glance.

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Who Should Get the Shingles Vaccine?

Herpes zoster — commonly known as shingles — is a painful rash caused by the same virus that is responsible for chicken pox, a disease most commonly seen in children. After the chicken pox resolve, the virus stays in the body in a dormant, “comatose” condition. For many, years later, the virus “wakes up” and produces a new rash, and with it, the potential for complication.

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