Our mission at ACV Health is to provide comprehensive care to those who need it in a convenient and welcoming environment. We’re located only 20 minutes from Live Oak, Perry, Madison and Mayo and are proud to serve patients from across the state.

To work toward our mission of accessible healthcare, we’ve provided a number of free ACV Health resources to help you live a healthy, active life. We hope you take advantage of these blog posts, articles and other materials provided by our experienced healthcare team and partners.

Category: Home Health Care

Medication bottles and pills

Beyond the Prescription: Medication Safety Tips

Managing multiple prescriptions at the same time can be challenging. It’s vitally important, however, to take the right doses, as prescribed, at the right time. Even if you are only taking one prescription, proper medication safety can be a matter of life and death. Here are a few simple tips to help you manage your medications and protect your health.

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woman clutching her hand

What is Osteoporosis?

Our bones are the sturdy framework that supports our bodies, enabling us to move, stand tall and embrace an active lifestyle. Yet, sometimes we overlook the importance of maintaining and nourishing these vital structures until an issue arises, such as osteoporosis.

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Image of a woman receiving home health care from a care provider in her home

What is Home Health Care?

Receiving health care does not always happen in a hospital or a doctor’s office. Depending on the situation, a patient may want or need to receive care in another setting, such as their home. This is referred to as home health care.

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